Text to PDF using NodeJS

Convert plain text files to PDF with page parameters

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Text to PDF features

Easily turn text, logs, and plain text files into PDFs or PDF/A with our TXT to PDF NodeJS package. Set page size, orientation, and margins as you like, and make your PDFs smaller with our compression feature. Great for anyone needing quick and flexible text document conversion NodeJS package.

ConvertAPI Node.js library install

ConvertAPI provides a Node.js library that allows you to perform a Text to PDF conversion with just a few lines of code. First, install our convertapi library from npm:

NPM package >
npm install convertapi --save

Authenticate your Node.js library

You can obtain your secret key by signing up for a free account. Once you sign up, you'll receive 250 free conversions instantly! Grab your authentication secret from the account dashboard, and authenticate the ConvertAPI Node.js library like this:

// get your secret key here: https://www.convertapi.com/a/auth
var convertapi = require('convertapi')('secret_or_token');
Or using ES modules:
import ConvertAPI from 'convertapi';
const convertapi = new ConvertAPI('secret_or_token');

Convert Text to PDF using Node.js in no time!

Once you have your authentication in place, simply copy-paste this txt to pdf conversion code snippet into your Node.js project:

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI JavaScript Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-library-js

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI Node.js Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-nodejs

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI PHP Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-php

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI Java Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-java

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI C# Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-dotnet

# Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI Ruby Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-ruby

# Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI Python Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-python

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI Go Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-go

REM Code snippet is using the command line utility program: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-cli

<!-- For conversions with the multiple file result please refer to this example: https://repl.it/@ConvertAPI/HTML-Form-with-multiple-file-result -->

Try the conversion online - no coding required!

You can try out advanced conversion parameters and test the conversion result online using our interactive demo tool. This tool will produce the same conversion output as if you were using the library from your solution, and it will auto-generate the code snippet for you!

Try for FREE!

Conversion parameters

PageRange String

Set page range. Example 1-10.

PageOrientation Collection

Set page orientation.

Values:   portrait landscape

PageSize Collection

Page size.

Values:   letter lettersmall tabloid ledger legal statement executive a3 a4 a4small a5 b4 b5

MarginLeft Integer

Set the page left margin in millimeters (mm).

MarginRight Integer

Set the page right margin in millimeters (mm).

MarginTop Integer

Set the page top margin in millimeters (mm).

MarginBottom Integer

Set the page bottom margin in millimeters (mm).

FontName Collection

Specifies the text font name. Contact us if you are looking for a specific font for a text that is missing from the list.

Values:   Arial Bahnschrift Calibri Cambria Consolas Constantia CourierNew Georgia Tahoma TimesNewRoman Verdana

FontSize Integer

Specifies the text font size.

CompressPDF Bool

It tries to produce smaller output files but requires Adobe Reader 6, released in 2003 or newer, to view created PDF files.

Pdfa Bool

Create PDF/A-1b compliant document.

Try Text to PDF for free!