Text Box Watermark PDF API

Stamp a PDF with the text box.


Stamp or watermark a PDF with the text box.

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Copy parameter's URL


Secret String
Authentication secret must be provided as a query parameter. If omitted, token must be provided.
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Copy parameter's URL


Token String
Authentication token must be provided as a query parameter. If omitted, secret must be provided.
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Copy parameter's URL

File *

File * File
File to be converted. Value can be URL or file content.
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Copy parameter's URL


Store file Bool
Store converted file on our secure server and provides download URL.
Default: False Show all
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File name String
Converted output file name without extension. The extension will be added automatically.
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Timeout Integer
Conversion timeout in seconds.
Default: 900 Range: 10 .. 1200 Show all
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Open Password String
Sets the password to open protected documents.
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Page Range String
Set page range. Example 1-10 or 1,2,5.
Default: 1-2000 Show all
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Text *

Watermark text * String
Specifies the text to use as text box watermark. The list of supported variables: %N% - new line, %PAGE% - current page number, %PAGES% - total number of pages, %FILENAME% - name of the file, %WEEKDAY% - full weekday name, %WEEKDAY_SHORT% - abbreviated weekday name, %MONTH% - month number (1-12), %MONTHNAME% - full month name, %MONTHNAME_SHORT% - abbreviated month name, %YEAR% - year with century (YYYY), %YEAR_SHORT% - year without century (YY), %DAY% - day of month, %DAY_YEAR% - day of the year (1 -366), %HOUR% - hour (01- 12), %HOURS% - hour (00-23), %MINUTES% - minutes (00-59), %SECONDS% - seconds (00-59), %AMPM% - AM PM, %DATE% - local date representation, %TIME% - local time representation, %DATETIME% - local date and time, %AUTHOR% - document Author, %TITLE% - document Title, %SUBJECT% - document Subject, %KEYWORDS% - document Keywords.
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Watermark text align Collection
Specifies the watermark text align.
Default: left Values: left center right Show all
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Watermark text word wrap Bool
Specifies whether to enable word wrap in case text does not fit in one line.
Default: False Show all
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Watermark text line spacing Integer
Specifies the watermark text line spacing.
Default: 5 Range: 0 .. 30 Show all
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Watermark font name Collection
Specifies the watermark font name. Contact us if you are looking for a specific font for a watermark that is missing from the list.
Default: Arial Values: Arial Bahnschrift Calibri Cambria Consolas Constantia Courier New Georgia Tahoma Times New Roman Verdana Show all
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Watermark font size Integer
Specifies the watermark font size.
Default: 40 Range: 1 .. 200 Show all
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Watermark font color String
Specifies the watermark font color.
Default: #ffffff Show all
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Stroke color String
Specifies font stroke color.
Default: #271851 Show all
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Stroke width Integer
Specifies the stroke width.
Default: 1 Range: 0 .. 200 Show all
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Embed watermark font Bool
Specifies whether fonts should be embedded.
Default: True Show all
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Font subset Bool
Specifies whether fonts should be subset.
Default: True Show all
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Font encoding String
Specifies the font encoding.
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Text rendering mode Collection
Specifies the text rendering mode.
Default: fillstroke Values: filltext stroketext fillstroke invisible Show all
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Rotate watermark Integer
Specifies the watermark rotation angle in degrees.
Default: 0 Range: 0 .. 360 Show all
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Opacity level Integer
Specifies watermark opacity level.
Default: 100 Range: 0 .. 100 Show all
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Watermark style Collection
Specifies watermark style, stamp or watermark. The stamp is placed over page content and watermark under page content.
Default: stamp Values: stamp watermark Show all
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Go to web link String
Specifies the web address to go when the watermark is clicked.
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Go to page String
Specifies the page number to go when the watermark is clicked.
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Use page rotation Bool
Specifies whether to use the page rotation parameter when placing watermark.
Default: False Show all
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Use crop box Bool
Specifies whether to use the page crop box to position watermark.
Default: False Show all
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Horizontal watermark alignment Collection
Specifies the horizontal watermark alignment.
Default: center Values: left center right Show all
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Vertical watermark alignment Collection
Specifies the vertical watermark alignment.
Default: center Values: top center bottom Show all
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Watermark X coordinate Integer
Specifies the watermark X coordinate. If set overrides property HorizontalAlignment.
Range: 1 .. 10000 Show all
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Watermark Y coordinate Integer
Specifies the watermark Y coordinate. If set overrides property VerticalAlignment.
Range: 1 .. 10000 Show all
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Watermark position unit Collection
Specifies measurement unit to use for the PositionX and PositionY properties.
Default: pt Values: pt in mm cm Show all
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Watermark Height Integer
Specifies the watermark height.
Default: 500 Range: 10 .. 10000 Show all
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Watermark width Integer
Specifies the watermark width.
Default: 500 Range: 10 .. 10000 Show all
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Embed fonts Bool
Embed fonts in PDF.
Default: True Show all
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Subset fonts Bool
Include in the output PDF document only the font characters that are used in the original document.
Default: True Show all
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Subset fonts threshold Integer
Sets the Subset Fonts threshold. If the percentage of used characters, compared with total characters of the particular font, exceeds this threshold, the entire font is embedded.
Default: 100 Range: 0 .. 100 Show all
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PDF version Collection
Set PDF version.
Default: 1.5 Values: 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 Show all
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PDF resolution Integer
Set PDF resolution.
Default: 300 Range: 10 .. 2400 Show all
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Set PDF title String
Provide a value to customize the PDF title. Otherwise, the default document title will be used. Use single quotes and a space (' ') to remove the title.
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Set PDF subject String
Provide a value to customize the PDF subject. Otherwise, the default document subject will be used. Use single quotes and a space (' ') to remove the subject.
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Set PDF author String
Provide a value to customize the PDF author. Otherwise, the default document author will be used. Use single quotes and a space (' ') to remove the author.
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Set PDF keywords String
Provide a value to customize the PDF keywords. Otherwise, the default document keywords will be used. Use single quotes and a space (' ') to remove the keywords.
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Open to page Integer
Set the page number at which the PDF document should open.
Default: 1 Range: 1 .. 3000 Show all
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PDF default zoom Collection
Set the default zoom percentage for when you open PDF files .
Default: Default Values: Default ActualSize FitPage FitWidth FitHeight FitVisible 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 400 800 1600 2400 3200 6400 Show all
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Auto rotate page Collection
Automatically rotate pages based on the orientation of the text. By Page option will rotate each page based on the direction of the text on that page. All option will rotate all pages in the document based on the orientation of the majority of text.
Default: ByPage Values: Disabled ByPage All Show all
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PDF color space Collection
Set PDF color space.
Default: Default Values: Default RGB CMYK Gray Show all

Code snippet

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI JavaScript Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-js

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI Node.js Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-nodejs

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI PHP Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-php

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI Java Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-java

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI C# Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-dotnet

# Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI Ruby Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-ruby

# Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI Python Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-python

// Code snippet is using the ConvertAPI Go Client: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-go

REM Code snippet is using the command line utility program: https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-cli

<!-- For conversions with the multiple file result please refer to this example: https://repl.it/@ConvertAPI/HTML-Form-with-multiple-file-result -->

Try Text Box Watermark PDF API for free!