Bubble.io Document Conversion Guide

Jonas, CTO

In the realm of web development, efficient and seamless document conversion is a highly sought-after feature. The ConvertAPI plugin for Bubble.io is designed to address this need, providing users with a robust tool to handle various document conversions directly within their Bubble applications. This article will explore the features of the ConvertAPI plugin and provide practical examples of how to use it.

What is ConvertAPI?

ConvertAPI is a versatile API service that offers a wide range of document conversion capabilities. It can convert files between different formats, merge documents, extract data, and perform various other document-related tasks. The plugin integrates these capabilities into Bubble.io, a no-code platform that enables users to build web applications visually.

Key Features of ConvertAPI Plugin for Bubble.io

  1. Wide Range of Conversions: The plugin supports numerous file conversions, including PDF to Word, Excel to PDF, image formats, and more.
  2. Ease of Use: Designed with simplicity in mind, the plugin makes it easy for non-developers to implement complex document conversions.
  3. Customization: Users can tailor the conversion process to meet specific needs by setting parameters and options.
  4. Integration with Workflows: The plugin can be integrated into Bubble workflows, allowing automated document processing as part of your application's logic.

How to Use the ConvertAPI Plugin in Bubble.io

Install the Plugin

First, navigate to the Bubble Plugin Marketplace and search for "ConvertAPI". Install the plugin into your Bubble application.

Install the Plugin

Set Up API Key

Once installed, go to the plugin settings and enter your ConvertAPI key. You can obtain this key by signing up on the ConvertAPI website.

Set Up API Key

Create a Page

  1. Create a New Page: In your Bubble application, create a new page where users can upload their PDF files.
  2. Add an Upload Element: Drag and drop a file upload element onto the page. This will allow users to upload their PDF files.
  3. Add a Button: Add a button that users can click to initiate the conversion process.
  4. Add a Link: Add a link that users can click to download converted file.
    • Add custom state: Press 🛈 in the dialog title -> Add new custom state
      • State name: converted_file_url
      • State type: text
    • Link destination: External URL
    • Destination URL: Insert dynamic data -> Link -> converted_file_url

Create a Page

Create a Workflow

  1. Add an event: Elements -> An element is clicked (make sure that button element is selected)
  2. Add an Action: Data (Things) -> ConvertAPI convert file
    • File: Inset dynamic data -> File uploader -> value
    • Source file format: Arbitrary text -> docx
    • Destination file format: Arbitrary text -> pdf
  3. Add an Action: Set state of an element -> Element: Link, Value -> Result of step 1 -> Result files -> First Item

Create a Workflow

Final Thoughts

The ConvertAPI plugin for Bubble.io opens up a world of possibilities for handling document conversions within your web applications. Whether you need to convert PDFs to Word documents, merge multiple files, or perform other document-related tasks, this plugin offers a powerful and user-friendly solution. By following the steps and examples provided in this article, you can harness the full potential of ConvertAPI to enhance your Bubble.io applications.