Response Codes

This is the list of all HTTP response status codes returned by ConvertAPI. The three-number code describes HTTP Status code and four number code shows additional information about the result in the response body. The example response body of authentication failure:

Response Header

HTTP status code 401

Response body

    "Code": 4013,
    "Message": "User credentials not set, secret or token must be passed."


  • 200 OK Conversion completed successfully.

Malformed request

  • 400 Bad Request Request does not provide all data to execute the conversion.
    • 4000 Parameter validation error.
    • 4001 No content disposition provided.
    • 4002 Bad JSON format.
    • 4005 File encoded in Base64 not found.


  • 401 Unauthorized Authentication failure.
    • 4010 Invalid user credentials - bad secret.
    • 4011 Invalid user credentials - bad token.
    • 4012 Invalid user credentials - bad self generated token.
    • 4013 User credentials not set, secret or token must be passed.
    • 4014 The conversion seconds balance reached zero and no more conversions can be done..
    • 4015 User inactive.
    • 4017 The Basic authentication string provided is not encoded in Base64 format. Please ensure to use valid encoding for authentication.

Not Supported

  • 415 Unsupported Media Type The file is not supported by file server or endpoint.

Conversion failure

  • 500 Internal Server Error Conversion failure.
    • 5000 Conversion timeout.
    • 5001 Conversion failed.
    • 5002 File is damaged.
    • 5003 File is password protected.
    • 5004 No tables to extract in PDF file.
    • 5005 Can not delete all document pages. The document should contain at least one page.
    • 5006 The current encryption algorithm does not support Unicode passwords.
    • 5007 Cannot decrypt PDF.
    • 5008 Unable to access the file.
    • 5009 File id is invalid.
    • 50010 File link is set incorrectly. Url or File Id must be set.
    • 50013 Images were not found in the PDF file.
    • 50020 There are no supported files available for extraction.
    • 50050 Unexpected exception. We have been notified about the problem and will try to fix it asap.

Throttle failure

  • 503 service unavailable Request rejected due to rate limits. Retry is available after a few seconds.